1:1 sessions with christina

Gain insight from your Soul Self and Spirit guides to unlock your highest potential through energy healing and intuitive sessions.

About Sessions with Christina

Intuitive readings and energy work are focused on what is most supportive for you right now so you can align with your highest timeline. In these sessions, Christina reads your energy field and shares messages from your soul and spirit guides. Please come prepared with specific intentions / questions. Sessions are not meant to be taken as and are not a substitute for medical, financial, or legal advice.

Virtual Sessions

Energy Healing (60 minutes, includes intuitive reading) $888 


Energy Healing (90 minutes, includes intuitive reading) $997


Intuitive Reading (60 minutes) $888


Speak to Your Soul Reading (60 minutes, Christina channels your soul so you can ask your soul questions directly) $888

In-Person Sessions

Energy Healing (90 minutes) $997


Half Day Private Experience (4 hours) $3333

Session Availability

While Christina wishes she could read for everyone, it is important that she manages her energy so she can show up fully for each session, along with her other projects. Christina opens up sessions on a weekly basis as her schedule allows, typically not far in advance. To receive email updates whenever Christina adds new time slots to her schedule, please fill out the form.

We also recommend exploring Christina’s other offerings as ways to work with her, including Next Level You and her courses.

Get notified about any openings