

Make epic shifts in your life


Your highest timeline begins now.


Christina the Channel


Next Level You

The go-to resource for high achievers ready to live their dream lives.


Upgrade your energy field. Reach your highest potential. Bring your visions into reality. 

You CAN create your dream life. Learn how energy flows, the truth about manifestation, and how to optimize your energy field, and watch as your career, relationships, and health take off. Experience what it means to be MAGNETIC. 

Want to have it all? Let’s make it happen.


Christina the Channel


Take a deep dive into manifestation, healing, spirituality, relationships, and more.



Join the top online energy healing training school in the world and work with the frequency of miracles. Shift your life forever by learning how to do energy healing on yourself, or training to work with others. It’s time to unlock your full spiritual abilities. 



Fully tap into your intuitive gifts, develop your psychic senses, and connect with your spirit guides.



Raise your frequency. Shop high-vibe lifestyle products to elevate your daily rituals.

Get ready to unlock your highest potential. Time to live your true mission. No more playing small.

“Sessions with Christina should be prescribed to every entrepreneur.”


Founder, BroglieBox

“Working with Christina has expanded me in ways I can’t even express in words.” 


Co-founder & COO, VendiBean

“We need to stop talking about spirituality and actually start living it.”

Meet Christina the Channel – world-renowned, radically honest intuitive channel and celebrity energy healer, embodied as The Oracle. In addition to her expertise as a trance channel and conscious channel, Christina is the founder of Ahai 7D Energy Healing and runs one of the top online spiritual training schools in the world. She is also a five-time best-selling author, top-rated podcast host for a decade, founder of QRTZ spiritual lifestyle brand, and founder of Golden Hour Publishing House. 

As her clients and community say, only step in if you are ready to “be forever changed.” Christina brings forward grounded spiritual activations to help you become your most powerful self in the NOW. Her work has helped thousands of people activate their spiritual gifts and live their missions.

She has worked with countless CEOs, founders, influencers, and professionals looking to optimize their performance, find full alignment, and create freedom in their lives. Through no BS guidance, Christina helps you access your own inner truth, get out of your own way, and master the energetics of money, health, and relationships so you can create the reality you truly desire.

She desires for each human to live in their full power and authenticity, make bold choices, live their truth, and experience miracles and magic in their daily reality.

It’s time.

Activation Sets


These lessons & activations will help you manifest the love and relationships you truly desire.


These lessons and activations will help you become a magnet for manifesting money & abundance.


with Christina the Channel





Frequency healing is the way of the future, starting with Ahai energy – the frequency of miracles. Learn to use energy healing on yourself or become a practitioner to work with others.


“Christina is truly a clear channel and successful at what she does which makes it super easy for me to refer business to. I’ve witnessed her manifest massive income leaps, her dream home and so much more because she has really mastered money and how to manifest quickly with ease.  She has create success several times over and anyone in her containers get activated to success as well.  It’s really powerful to witness.  If you’re looking for crystal clear divine guidance and savvy biz guidance that actually gets you results, Christina is your go-to mentor.  She will be a true gift to your life and biz goals!”
CEO of Soul Journeys & Akashic Records Expert

“Christina has unlocked a door within me that allowed me to explore my truest self and power. Since working with her, I have been able to shift my mindsets and open myself up to endless opportunities!”

CEO, Eckis Marketing

“Working with Christina has been the biggest blessing! She helped me to overcome blocks that I had been struggling with for YEARS. Sessions with her have absolutely changed my life and have allowed me to live my best life, free of old fear patterns and things that were keeping me stuck. I can’t even really put into words how valuable our sessions have been.”

Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger, LoveInsideandOut.com

“Working with Christina Rice has changed my business, relationships, and life in every positively way possible. My life has been upgraded and transformed!” 

Co-founder & COO, Clearstem Skincare

“Working with Christina is PURE MAGIC. She has guided me to expand into my full power. She sees me so deeply and in turn helps me see myself while always delivering the insights and wisdom I need. I’ve experienced quantum shifts in my life working closely with her and have experienced my greatest expansion thus far. I highly recommend opening up your mind (and heart) to working with Christina. You will make shifts in your life you never thought possible.”

Founder, House of Lo

“Working with Christina has expanded me in ways I can’t even express in words. Since starting my energy healing sessions, my outlook on life and the universe has shifted dramatically and allowed me to truly live in flow and alignment versus believing that entrepreneurship has to be an uphill battle where the struggle is glorified.” 

Co-founder & COO, VendiBean

“Sessions with Christina should be prescribed to every entrepreneur!  Working with Christina gave me the space I needed to be able to dive within and get clarity on so many aspects of my business and my life.  After my first session, I woke up the next day feeling lighter and more energized than I’ve ever felt before.”

Founder, BroglieBox
“Get ready for big shifts and miracles to unfold in your life on a whole new level. I’ve been doing self-development work for years and have worked with many different psychologists, coaches, mentors, and guides and can absolutely say without a doubt that working with Christina has helped me experience the most profound, and life-changing results out of any other practitioner I’ve ever worked with. Christina’s ability to understand the root of my energetic and emotional blocks — coupled with her loving real-talk, and a dash of magic from her guides — has been such a unique formula that has helped me to finally shift out of my stuck, stagnant patterns I had been burdened with for years so that I could finally go after the things I truly desired.”

Founder, Epiphany with Tiffany LLC
“It’s hard to even know where to begin or what to say about working with Christina because she has had such a profound impact in every aspect of my life… being inside of her containers is experiencing unconditional love. She is the first example I’ve had of someone showing up for me and continuing to show up for me when I was too stubborn to do it for myself – when I was getting in my own way, when I was trying to sink back into all of my human tendencies and self-sabotage. Every time she shows up, she does so out of a place of LOVE.
To have that example of someone who will continue to show up for you and broaden your perspective… it brings a massive uplevel in my life every time I have worked with her. “
Founder, Expand with Chelsea
“I just decided to give [Ascension School] a try and see what it was all about, and Christina posts so much content about manifestation, increasing your intuition, going deeper into spirituality – it’s a lot of the same topics you’re hearing on the podcast, but there’s so much more content in the membership. It’s all really easy to understand, it’s super practical, something you can literally walk away and start implementing that day, and I am not exaggerating when I say joining this membership literally changed my life…this amount of content anywhere else would be worth way more than what you’re paying for this monthly membership.”
“I honestly cannot say enough good things about the entire experience in Christina’s Psychic Development Course…If you want to develop your own intuitive gifts, if you just want to learn more about this – this container and this course is definitely for you.”
“In the spiritual space, there’s a lot of misinformation out there, and it’s hard to find everything under one person – and Christina does such an amazing and polished job of providing information in an easy-to-digest way in her Psychic Development Course….I met a lot of spirit guides, I was downloaded with a higher frequency energy healing…I can just continue to feel myself expand.”
“Oh my goodness…if you’ve ever had energy healing from Christina you know the incredible things she’s able to pick up on intuitively, and messages she gets from your guides, and it’s absolutely amazing. This is NEXT LEVEL!”
“From start to finish it was an amazing experience. Christina was so present and tuned in and just so purely wanting to deliver messages and bring light and healing to everyone who was in the circle…I can say I felt it just as strongly as I have with any in-person energy sessions.”
“Working with Christina has absolutely changed my life. I can say this confidently and whole heartedly because the amount of transformation that has occurred in my life with her support is truly unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced (and I’ve worked with a lot of healers in this space). Christina has a beautiful way of making you feel seen, held, and safe — all while also dropping hints of fire to ignite next level self-empowerment and healing as you step into your highest timeline. I treasure working with her in various capacities because I trust the way she leads, holds space, and exudes such high integrity in her service. I’m incredibly grateful to continue to receive her wisdom, guidance, and unconditional love. Working with her is a total game changer and has literally helped me live outside of the matrix construct of reality and blast me into my own co-creative reality — enough said. :)”
Energy Healer
“Working with Christina provided me with the level of unconditional love that my inner-child has been seeking my entire life. I discovered just how miraculous I truly am. I am forever changed. THANK YOU, Christina for supporting me during this process of self-discovery. I love you.”
Interpreting Agency Owner



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