By Christina Rice
93 ratings

Manifestation Mastery: How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe will help you move past your limiting beliefs keeping you stuck, access your inner truth, and become a magnet for everyday miracles.

About the book

Manifestation Mastery is a trance channeled text from an energy called the Monarch Being. The Monarch Being is a high-dimensional entity that Christina experiences as a stream of both divine feminine and divine masculine energies that feels like pure love consciousness. Their perspective is direct and purely based on energetics, and they describe themselves as being in and of everything, everywhere, and all around. Their goal is to empower each individual to be the leader in their own lives and to see themselves in all others – reconnecting with with our essence as extensions of Source.

Through this text, the Monarch Being illuminates how you can effortlessly activate miracles in your own life, direct the flow of energy to create your reality, shift subconscious limiting beliefs, and align with your highest timeline. This book will help you remember that you are always manifesting, that you are a co-creator, and that you have much more power over your reality than you realize. The only person who can stop you is you. It’s time to step into your power and live from love instead of fear.

Christina Rice is a best-selling author, intuitive channel, celebrity healer, and the founder of Ahai™ 7D Energy Healing. She has been featured in top publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Buzzfeed, and is the host of her own spirituality podcast, Christina the Channel. Through divinely channeled messages, energy work, neural reprogramming, manifestation, and her background as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Christina has helped thousands of people access their highest potential, expand their consciousness, tap into their intuition, and master the energetics of their health, relationships, and businesses.

Customer reviews

93 ratings

Drew Hedgebeth

Loved this book!
I got the audio book too which was perfect! This was such a great read that deepened my understanding of manifesting and brought clarity to my own process! It’s definitely one that I want to read again!


BIG Changes In My Daily Life
I’ve been following Christina for years now and she has helped me in more ways than I can count. I’m so glad I got my hands on a hard copy of the book, and I took my time reading it because I wanted to really soak up all of the information and gems in it. I have noticed positive changes in my daily life, improving my mood and outlook on life, and teaching me more about manifestation and de-conditioning. I just finished the book a couple days ago, but I know I will read it again and again. By only reading it once, you’re just hitting the tip of the iceberg. There is SO much to uncover and process in this book that you must read it more than once! I can’t wait for Christina and her guides to publish more books!


EXPANSIVE, must read book!

I loved everything about this channeled book, it truly is so supportive yet expansive in the most loving way to step up and into our most authentic selves and within relationships. This book will crack your soul open to receive divine love in all areas of your life. I cannot recommend this book enough.


EXPANSIVE, must read book!

I loved everything about this channeled book, it truly is so supportive yet expansive in the most loving way to step up and into our most authentic selves and within relationships. This book will crack your soul open to receive divine love in all areas of your life. I cannot recommend this book enough.

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