Eating Healthy on a College Budget

Eating Healthy on a College Budget

MONEY PROBS. We all have ’em. The majority of the college-aged population is on a tight budget, and that can be very restricting in a number of ways. One example? Food. Here’s the thing, though. When people say, “Eating healthy is too...
Squatty Potties Are The Shit.

Squatty Potties Are The Shit.

Today I’m talking about something I am very very VERY obsessed with. SQUATTY POTTIES. Everyone makes fun of me for this, but I couldn’t give a shit. See what I did there? So punny. Before I start, I need to warn you — if you’re uncomfortable...
How to Create a Balanced Meal

How to Create a Balanced Meal

We’ve talked kitchen accessories. We’ve talked cooking routines. Now it’s time to talk about actually BUILDING YO’ PLATE. It’s great if you can drag your butt to the store, get yourself into a cooking routine, and cook the food, but how...

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