Tag: eating disorder

Are You Following Health Advice Meant for Someone Else?

One of the most common mistakes people make again and again, and one that I have made myself, is taking

Adjusting Nutrition to Stop Binge Eating (Become a Member for Access)

Stopping binge eating for good is a complex topic that takes far more than a single blog post to cover,

Roots of Chronic Illness: The Freeze Response (Become a Member for Access)

Western medicine has made it so that acute illness is typically no longer a threat to our lives, but now

Amenorrhea? Why You Need Your Period Back

My last post was all about the causes of amenorrhea, and this week I want to focus on why it’s

When Sugar Detoxes Lead to Health Shaming

This week is Mind Body Green‘s No Sugar Week, and it has caused a lot of controversy on Instagram. I’ve

That Paleo Girl – Liz Anthony

The person I’m featuring on the blog today is extremely special to me, probably in more ways than she knows.

My Fitness Journey, Part 2

WELCOME WELCOME to Part 2 of the story of my fitness journey! This is where it gets interesting. If you

My Fitness Journey, Part 1

I’ve talked about my fitness journey here and there before, but I’ve never really put it all in one place.

Amanda Farley from Amanda Fit Life

Considering today is International Women’s Day, I could not be happier to feature the amazing woman I’m about to talk

The Full Life by Rachel Katz

HAPPY FRIDAY, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! This week I’m featuring another one of my favorite health and wellness bloggers, Rachel Katz! Rachel