
2020 Intentions & Changes I’m Making This Year

Changes I'm Making in 2020

Now that we’re over a week into 2020, I can confirm that the huge energetic shifts I felt coming at the end of 2019 as we approached the new year definitely came. I don’t usually notice the difference from one year to the next (it’s like a birthday – do you ever really feel different?), but this time I felt it. I had a lot of goals in mind for the new year before it even started, and now that it’s here, I feel very strong energy motivating me to make it all happen.

Last year was my year to rebuild, grow behind the scenes, float, and turn inward. 2020, though, is the year of productivity, efficiency, expansion, and hustling. I have a lot of little changes I want to make in my life this year that I think will add together to create a big impact, and I’m making these adjustments all with the intention of maximizing my productivity.

I want to share my 2020 intentions with you, and they’re a mixture of specific and general, physical and emotional, work-related and personal, manifestations and immediate actions. Some small shifts, and others bigger. For me, though, they all make sense together, and I’m excited to see how things change! In 2020 I plan to…

  1. Wake up early. This is really the most crucial, and most difficult, change for me. We always want to get to the “root cause” of health issues, and not getting up early enough is the “root cause” of any productivity “issues” I might have. Without this, I won’t be able to get all the things I want to get done actually done. Even if I’m awake for the same number of hours in a day as before, the timing of those hours really matters. My definition of early might be late for you…who knows. For me, I’d like to get up sometime between 5-6:30, depending on the day, and be asleep between 9-10. This will be quite the challenge for me, because I have always been such a night owl. I haven’t gone to sleep before 10 P.M. regularly since I was in the 4th grade. But if I want to get everything done that I hope to this year, I’m going to need plenty of uninterrupted time in my morning.
  2. Write for 2-3 uninterrupted hours as many days as possible. This is related to waking up early. If I want uninterrupted writing time, it has to be in the morning or at night, so I’m trying to get up early to have a few uninterrupted hours to get deep work done before interacting with the rest of the world.
  3. Overhaul my schedule. This is also related to the first two. I’ve always had a clear daily schedule, but it needs to be adjusted for maximum efficiency. My schedule last year was pretty much molded to work with my detox protocol and doctor appointments, but this year is about being productive. The interesting thing about productivity is that you can have the same to-do list in a day, but you’ll get work done faster if you arrange your schedule wisely.
  4. Sleep at least 8 hours each night. I am usually pretty good about this when left to my own devices, but things go awry when I travel. I also was not good about this at the end of 2019 because *someone* was keeping me up late on the phone, which I wouldn’t change. But I was a bit sleep deprived. This is the year of sleep.
  5. Read every day. Even if it’s just a page! I didn’t get much reading done last year other than when I was doing research, and this year I’d like to consistently read books and actually finish them. I tend to “search” books for the information I need in the moment and never really finish the whole thing, so this year I’d like to change that.
  6. Stretch daily. I’m the worst about this. I am sad to say I never stretch, which is not ideal. I can feel the tension in my body all the time. I need to set aside the time to stretch at least a little bit each day!
  7. Finish my mold detox protocol. I took a break at the end of 2019 and it was so nice, but I’m getting back into it now. Detoxing is very time consuming and pretty expensive to maintain, so I’m manifesting that I’ll fully detox from mold this year and leave this chapter behind me.
  8. Have at least one long technology detox. My technology fast last year was probably one of my favorite weeks of my life thus far. I went to an Airbnb on the beach by myself for a week without any technology, and I have never felt more relaxed or in tune. I definitely want to do a full tech detox again this year, in addition to my regular social media detoxes!
  9. Outsource as much as I can. I try to do this, but I think I’ve just been in the habit of doing it all myself for so long that I often forget to hand things off to someone else if at all possible. I’m definitely learning, though.
  10. Share more personal content on the blog. In the last year I turned so inward that I honestly forgot to share as much as I would have liked to, and I was navigating through so many different things that I couldn’t keep it all straight myself. But I built this blog on sharing my story because I know it helps others, so I think it’s time to bring more of it back. This year I have a lot I want to talk about.
  11. More solo podcast episodes. I had so many incredible interviews last year that I loved, but this year I want to do more solo episodes about different topics you specifically request rather than tailoring the topic to the guest. I also feel more connected to you on a personal level when I have more regular solo episodes, so I’m excited to do them more often!
  12. Do one thing at a time. I am always trying to multi-task, but that ends up making me inefficient at everything I do. I get impatient and my mind goes a million different places at once sometimes, so I end up trying to do a few things at once rather than giving each my full attention. This year I’m trying not to multitask.
  13. Finish one thing before I start something else. This is similar to the previous point, but slightly different. This applies with multitasking during the day and trying to do 2 things at a time, but I really mean in terms of projects with work. It feels like I always have 4-5 “big” projects I’m working on at a time, and I need to start finishing one big idea before moving to the next, so I don’t get overwhelmed with so many tasks at once.
  14. Release at least 3 courses. I have plenty of courses mapped out – but it’s just about finishing my new website updates, carving out the time for course creation, and making it happen.
  15. Totally finish writing 2 books and be in the middle of the third. I have two books I’m sitting on that I want to finally be totally done with this year. One has been 95% done for 1.5 years, and the other has been about halfway done for a year. The third has had bits and pieces done for some time. I need to focus on finishing those first two so that I can give the third my full attention!
  16. Grow my Beautycounter team. This is nonspecific for a reason. I’m a nonspecific manifestor, and I simply want to grow my team because I love mentoring so much. It was something I didn’t realize I liked so much until this year, and now I can’t wait to continue to help more women grow their businesses. A growing team obviously brings me more income, and more income is always a goal, but I really say this because of how rewarding mentoring is. I love helping people with business, helping them build their confidence, watching women earn financial freedom, and supporting our fight for important rights.
  17. Live according to my human design. I became verrrry interested in Astrology and Human Design in 2019, and I started working with a Human Design mentor who teaches you the intricacies of your HD chart and how to live according to your design. (She is coming on the podcast soon!) I’ve learned so much already and the small changes I’ve made have really helped, so I’m excited to keep learning more and making lifestyle changes to fully step into the way my soul was supposed to live!

I have already made a few of these changes, and some of them are in progress, but I already feel this year is so much better than the last. This year is going to be all about productivity, and I know I can make it happen!

What are some of your intentions for 2020?

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We’re over fake “wellness.” It’s time to unlock your magic & magnetism. Are you ready to vibe higher? 

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