Tag: kitchen

The Ultimate Healthy Holiday Gift Guide, 2018

This is my final holiday gift guide of 2018, and this is the BIG ONE! I’ve included all of my

How to Toss Your Vegetables Perfectly for Roasting

This post will be short and sweet, but it might just change your life if you don’t already know about

Paleo Chocolate Raspberry Naked Cake with Raspberry Filling

When it comes to baking, I aim to please. So when my mother asked me to make a chocolate raspberry

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Paleo Eggplant Lasagna (w/ Vegan Option)

People always ask me what I miss most from my gluten days. The truth is, I don’t miss much. As

Chillin’ with a Chickpea in the City: Addie Martanovic

So you know how I like to feature lovely humans? Well, this week I’m featuring a lovely chickpea! LOL. Okay,

Weak at the Knees for Crossroads Kitchen

We all know I’m a creature of habit. As a foodie, that gets me into trouble. I love love love

My Cooking Routine

Recently I have gotten quite a few questions on both the blog and the podcast about how I find the

Kitchen Accessories to Save Your Life

Somehow the middle of August snuck up on us, and that means many of my fellow college students are heading

The Oils You SHOULD Be Cooking With

Last week I made a comment to my friend about how I would never eat anything cooked in vegetable oils.