
Manifestation Mastery:

How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe

ON SALE: 2/2/22

Manifestation Mastery: How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe will help you rediscover your divine power and become a magnet for everyday miracles.
What People Are Saying
“This paradigm-shifting book is a must-read for anyone seeking increased agency in life. Through stunning visual imagery and teachable moments, Manifestation Mastery: How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe uniquely blends personal development and spirituality to provide a playbook for personal growth.”

Samantha Pantazopolous, Found of Vizer App

Manifestation Mastery Book
About the Book
This book was trance channeled by Christina Rice, from an energy called the Monarch Being. The Monarch Being, as Christina experiences it, is a very high-dimensional entity that is made up of both divine feminine and divine masculine energies and feels like pure love. They describe themselves as being in and of everything, everywhere, and all around. Their goal is to empower each individual to be the leader in their own lives and to see themselves in all others.

Through this text, the Monarch Being illuminates how you can effortlessly activate miracles in your own life, improve your own life in the ways your soul desires, align with your highest timeline, and truly see the beauty of your multidimensionality and power that may have been lost or forgotten along the way.

Become a Magnet for Miracles
  • Have you been struggling to manifest the things you truly want in your life?
  • Do you feel helpless &  trapped by the circumstances in your life?
  • Are fear and self-doubt holding you back from living a bold, authentic, and fulfilling life?
  • Do you believe there is only one path to achieving the life of your dreams?
  • Are you eager to explore the magic of your multi-dimensionality and connection to Source?
  • Are you ready to activate miracles in your everyday life?
  • Are you ready to make manifestation your lifestyle?
  • Do you crave happiness, wholeness, unconditional love, and a life full of limitless possibilities?
Manifestation Mastery: How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe will expand your belief of what is possible.

You’ll learn how the energetics of manifestation work so you can truly co-create your life and effortlessly magnetize the abundance, money, health, relationships, and opportunities your soul desires!

What You’ll Learn
T h i s  b o o k  w i l l  t e a c h  y o u :
How to magnetize what you want through authenticity and living in alignment
The most common manifestation mistakes people make
How to move through low-frequency emotions to avoid attracting more of what you don’t want
What limiting beliefs & subconscious programming are, and how they are affecting what you attract into your life
How to transmute lower-frequency connections and interactions into opportunities for love & happiness
How to build energetic resilience so you can hold your frequency around low-frequency people & situations
Simple tools for amplifying physical manifestations
The power of intention-setting & how to release attachment from the outcome
Discerning what is and what is not an energetic match for you
How to send a clear, powerful signal to the universe about what you want to call in
How to work with divine timing
How to shift your relationship with “identity” & allow yourself to embody new expressions of yourself
How surrendering & releasing control allows you to take your power back

And so much more!

What is a Channeled Text?

“This particular text was written in a trance-like state, with the Monarch Being working through me. The process begins with connecting to the specific vibration, the Monarch Being, and giving them permission to share the words they wish to, through me. While I am in a trance-like state, I feel my hands flying across the keyboard, without knowing exactly what is being typed. I am typically shown visuals or feel the gist of the information they are sharing as I type. Their tone and language is different than mine, but it’s flavored with my vocabulary…An important piece of the text is not necessarily the words themselves, but the frequency of the information. Channeling often feels like receiving a packet of information and finding words to convey that which there are no accurate words for. There are codes in the words and sentences themselves, chosen and placed the way they were for a reason.” – Christina Rice, Manifestation Mastery: How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe

The information provided in this book – as with any channeled information – is purely a perspective, and it is encouraged that readers discern for themselves which perspectives from this text resonate with them and which do not.


Order your copy on launch day and get:

  • Digital Copy Pre-order (Jan. 20th) – A downloadable, guided manifestation meditation from Christina + exclusive trance channeled interview with the Monarch Being
  • Book Launch Day (Feb. 2nd) – A downloadable daily manifestation activation
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a b o u t  i m p o r t a n t  b o o k  l a u n c h  u p d a t e s !
About the Author
Christina Rice is an intuitive channel, celebrity healer, and the founder of Ahai™ 7D Energy Healing. She has been featured in top publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Buzzfeed, and is the host of her own spirituality podcast, Christina the Channel. Through divinely channeled messages, energy work, neural reprogramming, manifestation, and her background as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Christina has helped thousands of people expand their perception of what is possible, tap into their intuition, and master the energetics of their health, relationships, and businesses.

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