

The Codes Of Truth A Channeled Text Available Now!

 “In these Tablets will be revealed the codes of ascension that are necessary for the vibrational shift of you as an individual, in turn, of you as a collective, in turn, activating higher levels of ascension to shift the consciousness that is of all, from all, within all—for there is a larger picture than you think. I trust these texts will find those who are ready to truly embody their light, truth, and love.” – Melchizedek

Manifestation Mastery Book
About the Book

Discover a newfound commitment to living your truth and fulfilling your soul’s mission, guided by the wisdom activated within you through the The White Tablets of Melchizedek: The Codes of Truth

In this channeled text, Christina Rice scribes for Ascended Master Melchizedek as he shares profound teachings and divine codes to help readers unlock their inner truth, raise their consciousness, and step into their next phase of ascension. Melchizedek outlines eight White Tablets, each activating a different spiritual code to awaken your inner knowing and divine soul gifts to help you navigate the ascension process. The Tablets act as a catalyst for personal growth and spiritual evolution in both their content and vibrational frequency, inspiring readers to take action on newfound realizations and rise into their next level of spiritual leadership. 

This channeled text holds the potential to awaken dormant potentials, broaden perspectives, and guide individuals towards a deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose in life. Experience the profound shifts and deep layers of soul awakening that manifest as you attune to the energetic frequency transmitted in The White Tablets of Melchizedek. Open yourself to the transformative power of the tablets and witness the remarkable journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth that awaits.

Manifestation Mastery


Order your copy on rELEASE DAY (JULY 11TH) and get:


  • Book Launch Day (July 11th) – order your book on launch day and receive a FREE ticket to the LIVE Channeling Event with Melchizedek! To get your free ticket, email [email protected] a screenshot of your book receipt from July 11th, and we will send you your ticket!
  • Live Channeling Event (July 18th) – Everyone who purchased on launch day will get to attend a live channeling session to learn more from Melchizedek! 


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Who is melchizedek?

From Christina: “At a very young age, the high priest Melchizedek began to visit me in nonphysical form. While there are many references to him throughout history, literature, and religious texts as a priest and king, I know him as a master teacher who wishes to help us access our inner wisdom and align with our highest truths through deep learning. To me, he is a master ascension guide. As a child, I thought of him as somewhere between an old, sage wizard and Santa Claus—with piercing blue, kind eyes and a long white beard, radiating the energy of pure love. He visited me in the form of a hologram most evenings—a white light in the corner of my room that took the form of a tall, thin man with bright eyes and an electric blue energy pulsing around him. He has always been a peaceful, loving force in my life, like a grandfather there to teach me ancient wisdom. 

There are a few spirit guides I have very close relationships with as an intuitive channel, and Melchizedek is certainly one of them. He is the guide who has visually been with me the longest, through my clairvoyance—always there to comfort and guide me. In his own way, he always lovingly pushed me to be a more authentic version of myself. His presence is what kept my childlike curiosities and excitements alive. As I felt others “growing up” around me, he kept me in tune with another world of magic and divine wisdom. As I grew older, what he taught me and the way in which he guided me also shifted, calling me up to a new level of spiritual and emotional maturity. Melchizedek has always guided me to find my truth, even when my ego didn’t want to see it. He has always encouraged me to find mastery through living as the student. He has shown me the power of humility. He has taught me how to work with energy, how to strengthen my natural gifts, and how to discern soul versus ego. He is incredibly loving, but also very direct. In many ways, he inspired me to be the same.”

The White Tablets of Melchizedek…

Tablet I: Truth

Tablet II: Responsibility

Tablet III: Humility and Integrity

Tablet IV: Trust

Tablet V-VIII: download the free preview to get access! 


To access full ascension, one must live fully in truth, as the embodiment of truth. This is the highest code of all—the code that unlocks all else, and the code that allows the expression of your divinity. To fully access your wisdom, you must dedicate yourself to the highest truth and live this from love. 

TABLET II: Responsibility

One must take full responsibility for living as truth and living as love. One must take full responsibility for their power to choose, for it is up to you to choose in each moment to live as love. It is up to you how you choose to live with the power of choice. It is up to you to choose ascension. You must take responsibility for your divinity, for your wisdom, and for your choices. It is only from a place of pure responsibility that one can fully access their ascension and creatorship. 

TABLET III: Humility and Integrity

It is through living with humility and integrity that one is able to consistently and fully align with truth and live from truth. To live in alignment with humility and integrity is the embodiment of divinity and spiritual mastery, as one becomes the master by being the student.


To live with higher wisdom is to trust the divinity within you, and to fully trust yourself. It is aligning with full trust that allows you to follow the ascension journey and access more of what is available to you. This code is to live from trust in your soul instead of from the fear of the ego. 

if you are ready to expand your realm of possibilities, it’s time to experience the white tablets.

“Now is your moment to choose yourself. To choose the truest version of yourself. To choose your divine wisdom, your spiritual mastery, and your ascension. To choose truth. As you embody these codes and as you uphold these codes in your own life, you unlock faster ascension for all. When you calibrate with the highest timeline for all and you anchor in the highest light of truth, more energy is added to the new reality that is fully aligned with truth, love, and peace. Step into your truth with pride and with love.”

– Melchizedek


the white tablets of melchizedek
are waiting for you…
About the Author

Christina Rice is an intuitive channel, celebrity energy healer, best-selling author, and founder of Ahai 7D Energy Healing. Her mission is to support freedom-seekers in stepping into their power, creating their dream realities, and living their most authentic, abundant, and aligned lives. Christina works as a bridge between realms, sharing transformational channeled messages from a number of different Ascended Masters and teaching others how to work with energy to create lasting change in their lives. 

Christina has helped thousands of people master the energetics of money, health, and relationships through her books, membership, in-person immersions, and powerful online programs. She is the host of her own podcast, Christina the Channel, and founder of QRTZ, a spiritual lifestyle brand offering high-vibe products for your everyday life. She also supports other leaders in sharing their own paradigm-shifting messages and stories through her publishing house, Golden Hour Publishing.

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