Intuitive Readings & Sessions

About Sessions with Christina

Sessions with Christina are a way for you to gain insight from your Higher Self and Spirit guides. Readings and energy work are focused on what is most supportive for you right now so you can align with your highest timeline. Please come prepared with specific intentions / questions. Sessions are not meant to be taken as and are not a substitute for medical, financial, or legal advice. 

Time slots are added as Christina’s schedule allows. Time slots are added usually the week of or a week before, not in advance. 


Intuitive Readings

Virtual 1:1 Intuitive Readings: $250-$1000

The buttons below will take you to our booking page to choose your date/time and checkout with payment to secure your reading. Christina opens up spaces as her schedule allows.  

These sessions will take place via Zoom. You are welcome to record if you want. Christina will communicate with your spirit guides & Higher Self through your Akashic Records to share any guidance that comes through about the questions / topics you bring forward. She will also use Ahai to facilitate any necessary clearing / energy healing relevant to your reading. Please be prepared with your intentions / questions to make the most out of your time. 

Intuitive Business Coaching 

Virtual 90 min Session: $1500

The button below will take you to our booking page to choose your date/time and checkout with payment to secure your reading. Christina opens up spaces as her schedule allows.

This is for the individual looking for a one-time deep dive into the energetics of their business and for intuitive business coaching. Christina will share intuitive insight along with practical guidance and tangible steps from her knowledge as a business mentor. The session will take place over Zoom. You are welcome to record the session. Each session will be customized to you individually. Please bring your Human Design chart if possible, as this can also be incorporated into the reading (not required). 

Speak to your Soul

Virtual 60 min Session: $1000

The button below will take you to our booking page to choose your date/time and checkout with payment to secure your reading. Christina opens up spaces as her schedule allows. 

This is for the individual looking for deep soul guidance — from their own oversoul. Christina will go into a trance like state and take on the energy of your oversoul, allowing for you to ask questions to your own soul frequency. She will communicate back as the voice of your soul. Your soul can also facilitate self-healing through this type of session. Please note — in this session you are talking straight to your soul, not to Christina. The session will take place over Zoom. You are welcome to record the session to listen back. Please come prepared with a list of specific questions to make the most of your time. You can ask about your soul’s essence, purpose, other lifetimes, messages for this incarnation — anything! 

Session Updates

Session Availability

While Christina wishes she could read for everyone, it is important that she manages her energy so she can show up fully for each session, along with her other projects. Christina opens up sessions on a weekly basis as her schedule allows, typically not far in advance. If you’d like to get an email whenever Christina adds new timeslots to her schedule, you can click the button below. Bookings are first come, first served, for whoever books first. We no longer do a wait list. 

We also recommend exploring Christina’s other offerings as ways to work with her, including Ascension School and her courses.


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