

About  Christina

Intuitive Channel, Best-Selling Author,

& Founder of Ahai 7D Energy Healing

Christina is an intuitive, trance channel, celebrity energy healer, five-time best-selling author, and founder of Ahai 7D Energy Healing. She is also the host of her own podcast of almost a decade, “multidimensional. with christina the channel.” She is also the founder of spiritual lifestyle brand QRTZ and founder of Golden Hour Publishing House. She runs one of the top online spiritual training schools in the world, having helped thousands of people unlock their spiritual abilities for use in their personal lives and careers. Christina has worked with countless CEOs, founders, influencers, & professionals looking to optimize their performance, find full alignment, and create freedom in their lives by mastering the energetics of money, health, and relationships. 

After battling multiple chronic illnesses – and becoming a
Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner to help herself and others heal
through nutrition – Christina realized there was still a missing piece to her
healing journey: spirituality. She was able to transform her life and build a
7-figure business by 25 through energetic work, rewiring her brain, and
manifestation, and she went on to download Ahai 7D – a powerful new
form of energy healing.

Christina has helped thousands of people master manifestation, reconnect with their intuition, and reach their highest potential through her monthly membership, live workshops, and transformational programs. 

Hi! I’m Christina – and I’m on a mission to help people get out of their own way and create real freedom in their lives. I’m also a 2/4 Quad Right Sacral Generator, Aries Sun / Gemini Moon / Taurus Rising, and Life Path 7. After spending most of my life in a deep depression over the questions of – Why am I here? What is the purpose of all of this? How do I find true happiness? – and a series of dramatic health crises, I found my way to the world of energy – and that was where everything opened up. I’ve always been a no-bullshit, high-achieving, straight-to-the-point kind of person, obsessed with finding better methods that actually work to get big results – and understanding energy was like finding my golden ticket. Everything is energy. Money, health, relationships. When you understand how energy flows and how to optimize your energy field, you can shift your frequency to create the life you really want, reach your highest potential, and experience miracles on a daily basis. This is about moving beyond perceived limitations and living a life where you have HOLY SHIT IS THIS REAL?! moments all the time. When you understand energetics, you can apply those principles to every part of your life to create massive transformation.

There are too many people who feel trapped and unhappy in their own lives – and the answers are literally right within them. We’re not taught the things that allow us to truly create the realities want – intuition and energetics. When you understand those, everything changes. But you have to be willing to say yes to yourself. Reconnect with your soul and you will find the direct roadmap to living your dream life. 

How did this all start for me? As a child, I was incredibly intuitive. I would talk to my Spirit Guides each night, visit with extraterrestrials, pick up on things I “shouldn’t have known about,” expand space & time, and channel speeches in my room. But somewhere along the way, my gifts got quiet. I grew up, was set on a more traditional path, obsessed with being “successful” (according to other people’s standards), lived for everyone but myself, and was not spiritual at all. 

It wasn’t until I went through a number of life-altering health issues that I reconnected with my intuitive gifts. I had spent years battling multiple chronic illnesses and being the mystery case, but through that I found my obsession with health, wellness, and biohacking, and became a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I started my blog and podcast to document my journey and interview leaders in the space, and I found that my honesty and openness attracted a lot of people with similar experiences. But after recovering from the worst of it, my body took another turn with mold illness and Lyme disease, and I realized the universe was pushing me somewhere else. There was still a missing piece to my healing journey: spirituality.

What started out as getting trained in Reiki quickly led me to discovering a number of different healing modalities and unearthing new gifts, including my work as a psychic medium & Akashic Records reader. I fell in love with systems like Human Design, Numerology, and Astrology – realizing how much deeper healing and greater expansions those systems, energy work, and intuitive work offered me and my clients than anything I had experienced before. I realized that energy work and intuition were literally a cheat sheet – what was I doing before?! I eventually went on to download Ahai™ 7D, a powerful form of energy healing, and became a channel for a number of energetic beings, including Goddess Isis, Serapis Bey, the Pleaidians, Sisters of Light, the Monarch Being, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Goddess Freya. The main being I now trance channel simply calls herself “The Oracle.” Through energy work, brain rewiring, and manifestation, I completely transformed my health, my business, and my life. I overcame countless mental and physical health issues, built a 7-figure business by the time I was 25, built a top-ranked podcast, have founded multiple successful companies, manifested my dream house, attracted in the type of relationships I never knew was possible, became a best-selling author – all at hyper-speed. I created the life I dreamed about as a kid, a life I felt free in – and I have helped thousands of others realize they also have the ability to create that for themselves.

So many people are confused and unhappy. They don’t feel fulfilled, they feel like they don’t know what to do or who to trust, they feel like no one really understands them, they feel disconnected from their purpose, and they feel like life is a struggle. Life does not have to be that way. You are here for a purpose, and part of that purpose is creating a life that you f***ing LOVE. Reconnecting with your intuition and mastering your energetics is the door, but authenticity and total honesty with yourself are the keys. You have to be willing to see the truths in your life, to take the leaps, and to say yes to yourself. Because no one else is going to create the life you want for you – you’re going to do it for yourself. And the only real limitations are the ones you’re putting on yourself. 

Through my exclusive community, Ascension School, my podcast, and my programs – including my Ahai 7D Energy Healing Mentorship and Psychic Development Course — I share the exact tools and practices I use personally and have taught countless high-achievers, visionaries, and leaders to keep their frequency high and turn their dreams into a reality. So if you’re ready to manifest really cool shit, jump into the vortex. 





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