Tag: almond

Almond Chive “Cheese” (Vegan / Paleo)

I’m incredibly grateful for the fact that nuts somehow can magically be made into dairy-free “cheese.” I honestly love nut

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Caffeine-Free Coffee Almond Banana Bread Muffins (Sugar-Free / Paleo / Low-FODMAP / SCD)

Since the moment these beauties first came out of the oven, I’ve been dying to share this recipe with you!

Paleo / Vegan Nut Milk Pulp “Hummus”

Hummus and I broke up awhile ago, but we have a lot of history that I’ll never forget. We had

Cinnamon Spiced Roasted Nuts (Paleo/Vegan)

Happy Monday, lovely! My last post about graduating was a long one, so I thought I’d pop in with a

Fluffy Pumpkin Cookies with Spiced Maple Glaze (V, GF)

MORE PUMPKIN! Are you surprised? Usually at this time of year, I’m pumpin’ out chocolate recipes like no other. I