Tag: coconut oil

How to Improve Your Fat Digestion & Address Fat Malabsorption (Become a Member for Access)

When clients come to me with digestive problems, there are a few main patterns that pop up over and over

Chocolate Chip Coconut Zucchini Muffins (Paleo / Vegan / Sugar-Free)

When I first transitioned over to eating a healthier diet a few years ago, I became obsessed with baking healthy

All About Candida Overgrowth

I have been getting a ton of questions about Candida overgrowth recently, and since I’m currently on another Candida protocol,

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Cinnamon Spiced Roasted Nuts (Paleo/Vegan)

Happy Monday, lovely! My last post about graduating was a long one, so I thought I’d pop in with a

For the 100th Time… Fat Does NOT Make You Fat!

The fact that some people are still afraid of eating fat completely baffles me. Have you been on the Internet

The Oils You SHOULD Be Cooking With

Last week I made a comment to my friend about how I would never eat anything cooked in vegetable oils.