Tag: college

The NTA Program and Why I Became a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

This post is a follow-up to my last blog all about what exactly a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is and what

How to Poach an Egg in the Microwave

There is nothing quite like a perfectly poached egg. I’ll eat eggs pretty much any way they’re cooked, but poaching

Another Year Gone: 2017 Reflections and 2018 Plans

2017 was, by far, the fastest year of my life. It was also, by far, the best. My life has

That Paleo Girl – Liz Anthony

The person I’m featuring on the blog today is extremely special to me, probably in more ways than she knows.

My Fitness Journey, Part 1

I’ve talked about my fitness journey here and there before, but I’ve never really put it all in one place.

Amanda Farley from Amanda Fit Life

Considering today is International Women’s Day, I could not be happier to feature the amazing woman I’m about to talk

Eating All the Food in Portland, 2017

I cannot believe it’s already been a over week since my trip to Portland! Time flies when you have 8

Chillin’ with a Chickpea in the City: Addie Martanovic

So you know how I like to feature lovely humans? Well, this week I’m featuring a lovely chickpea! LOL. Okay,

How to Organize Your Life and Get Shit Done.

I’m the type of person who likes to plan. BIG TIME. I strongly believe that organization is the key to

Food & Friends in San Diego

This is way overdue. Oops. I’m FINALLY getting around to looking at photos from my trip to San Diego last