Tag: keto diet

Paleo / Vegan Protein Porridge (Keto / Low Carb)

This recipe is one of my go-to’s whenever I want something quick and easy that’s also “different” (not just meat

Is There a Metabolic Advantage to a Low Carbohydrate Diet? (Become a Member for Access)

Is weight loss really just as simple as calories in versus calories out? This is one of the most controversial

Paleo Grilled Halibut (Become a Member for Access)

Whenever I think of halibut, I immediately think of Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday. Is that just me? I

The Second Meal Effect – How Lunch Affects Your Dinner… (Become a Member for Access)

The second meal effect is a concept that isn’t referenced much in the nutrition space, but it can be very

Is a Low Carb Diet Making You Insulin Resistant? (Become a Member for Access)

Low carbohydrate diets are a popular tool people use to lose weight, increase their energy levels, improve their digestion, balance