How Mouth Taping Transformed My Sleep

How Mouth Taping Transformed My Sleep

“Our mouths are for eating, and our noses are for breathing.” If you haven’t heard that quote before, it’s the quick explanation for why I love mouth-taping so much. If you haven’t heard me talk about mouth-taping yet and you’re thinking, “What in the world is...
Easy Ways to Optimize Your Digestion at Mealtime

Easy Ways to Optimize Your Digestion at Mealtime

Over the years, I have tried a lot of different techniques to optimize my digestion. What I found, though, is that I really saw the biggest improvement from changes that I originally overlooked and thought of as “too easy.” Dealing with digestive issues...
NTA Conference 2018: Live Nourished Recap

NTA Conference 2018: Live Nourished Recap

It has been an incredibly busy two weeks, but I am slowly coming back to life! I traveled to Vancouver, Washington for the annual NTA conference, relaunched my website, and then had my NTA midterms / workshop weekend. And I picked up the flu along the way. It was...
Lovely Roasted Cauliflower (Paleo / Vegan)

Lovely Roasted Cauliflower (Paleo / Vegan)

I always joke that I might turn into a cauliflower because I eat so much of it, but I actually think it could be a possibility. Cauliflower is probably my favorite vegetable, although brussels sprouts are really high up there. I love cauliflower so much because...

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