NTA Conference 2018: Live Nourished Recap

NTA Conference 2018: Live Nourished Recap

It has been an incredibly busy two weeks, but I am slowly coming back to life! I traveled to Vancouver, Washington for the annual NTA conference, relaunched my website, and then had my NTA midterms / workshop weekend. And I picked up the flu along the way. It was...
That Paleo Girl – Liz Anthony

That Paleo Girl – Liz Anthony

The person I’m featuring on the blog today is extremely special to me, probably in more ways than she knows. Today I’m sharing an interview with one of my dear friends, Liz Anthony from That Paleo Girl. I first found Liz on Instagram (@that.paleo.girl), of...
12 Things I Learned in 2016

12 Things I Learned in 2016

2016 might be over, but I still found myself writing 2013 on my paper the other day. I’m clearly struggling to keep up with the times. I know you’ve probably read a million posts with this same exact title already, but I still want to write mine....
College Life & Body Image

College Life & Body Image

STORY TIME! Last week in my Health Psychology class, the topic was Eating & Exercise. We scratched the surface on “health,” myths behind dieting and exercise, and numerous psychological studies relating to various disordered eating patterns, like...
Body Shaming: Let’s End It Now.

Body Shaming: Let’s End It Now.

Last week was National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (#NEDAwareness), and it called attention to a few topics that are very close to my heart – body image and body shaming. I was debating whether or not to write this, and the week somehow passed by without me...

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