Tag: nut butter

Sweet Cinnamon Veggie Pecan Scramble (Paleo / Sugar-Free / Keto / Candida-Friendly)

If you haven’t tried a sweet scramble yet, you’re in for a treat! I’ve been eating this for breakfast almost

My 2017 Favorites

Another year is gone, which means I have another year of favorites to talk about! I discovered so many amazing

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Keto, Candida-Friendly, Gut-Healing Paleo Pancakes

The recipe for these pancakes has been LONG AWAITED, which cracks me up because they’re pretty weird. Even after explaining

Expo West 2017 Recap, Part 2

Aaaand just when you thought Expo West would never end, it’s back again! If you haven’t read Part 1 of

Expo West 2017 Recap, Part 1

As many of you know, Expo West was last weekend, and it was insane. Okay, that might have been a

Fitbrittnutrition: Nourish Your Body with Britt Martin!

I’m SO excited to be back with another installment in my “Lovely Humans” series, and this week I’m featuring one

Paleo Chai Banana Pumpkin Bread

Is it even fall without a pumpkin recipe? NOOOOOPE. There’s been a can of pumpkin sitting on my baking shelf

For the 100th Time… Fat Does NOT Make You Fat!

The fact that some people are still afraid of eating fat completely baffles me. Have you been on the Internet