Tag: photography

5 Ways You Can Make More Money Without More Followers

So many of my clients come to me wanting more followers, and my question to that is: But, why? Is

3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Yourself

Investing in yourself isn’t always easy. A lot of people feel more comfortable spending money on gifts for friends and

3 Quick Instagram Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs

If you’re an online health coach, energy healer, nutritionist, or trainer who feels absolutely intimidated by the idea of using

Chillin’ with a Chickpea in the City: Addie Martanovic

So you know how I like to feature lovely humans? Well, this week I’m featuring a lovely chickpea! LOL. Okay,

Foodie Heaven: The Butcher’s Daughter, Venice

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! It’s time for me to hop back into restaurant reviewing after a loooooong hiatus. I love love love