Tag: student

That Paleo Girl – Liz Anthony

The person I’m featuring on the blog today is extremely special to me, probably in more ways than she knows.

Amanda Farley from Amanda Fit Life

Considering today is International Women’s Day, I could not be happier to feature the amazing woman I’m about to talk

Chillin’ with a Chickpea in the City: Addie Martanovic

So you know how I like to feature lovely humans? Well, this week I’m featuring a lovely chickpea! LOL. Okay,

How to Organize Your Life and Get Shit Done.

I’m the type of person who likes to plan. BIG TIME. I strongly believe that organization is the key to

Food & Friends in San Diego

This is way overdue. Oops. I’m FINALLY getting around to looking at photos from my trip to San Diego last

Eating Healthy on a College Budget

MONEY PROBS. We all have ’em. The majority of the college-aged population is on a tight budget, and that can

The Full Life by Rachel Katz

HAPPY FRIDAY, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! This week I’m featuring another one of my favorite health and wellness bloggers, Rachel Katz! Rachel

My Cooking Routine

Recently I have gotten quite a few questions on both the blog and the podcast about how I find the

by CHLOE. Hi Cookie Heaven.

If you’ve been following my blog for awhile, you’ll know that I went to New York for the first time

Kitchen Accessories to Save Your Life

Somehow the middle of August snuck up on us, and that means many of my fellow college students are heading