Tag: skincare

What Order to Follow to Apply Your Skincare Products (Nontoxic Skincare)

https://youtu.be/Tf8angbii1I Have you ever been confused about what order to use your skincare products in?! This is one of the

Healthy Holiday Gift Guide, 2019

Still searching for the perfect gift for friends and family? If you haven’t already checked out my 2019 gift guide

Holiday Gift Guide for Him, 2019

  We’ve only got a few more weeks until Christmas…. I hope you’re ready! If you can’t figure out what

Holiday Gift Guide for Her, 2019

It’s that time of year again… HOLIDAY SHOPPING! I like to get my holiday shopping done as early as I

Choosing the Perfect Nontoxic Skincare Regimen

https://youtu.be/URJIUUaxQvA   CHEAT SHEET: Countertime – best for anti-aging, firming, brightening, tightening, plumping. Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, red

Holiday Gift Guide for Her, 2018

I can’t believe it’s already that time of year again – HOLIDAY SHOPPING! There’s nothing quite as satisfying as giving

My Nontoxic Skincare Routine (Oily, Acne-Prone, Sensitive Skin)

A little background on my skin… I struggled with oily, acne-prone skin for most of my life, and my skin

My Most-Used Essential Oils

Essential oils have become a huge part of my daily routine in the last year, and I honestly cannot imagine

Holiday Gift Guide for Her, 2017

The fact that it’s already time for a holiday gift guide is unreal to me. December came so quickly, and

My Favorite Online Resources for Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle

When transitioning into a healthier lifestyle, slow and steady wins the race. It can be really overwhelming to find new