Tag: soy free

Pumpkin Walnut Muffins (Sugar-Free / Paleo)

To say I’m on a sugar-free (sweetener-free, specifically) baking kick would be an understatement. After making so many sweetener-free recipes

Golden Milk Salmon (Paleo / Whole 30)

As much as Instagram has its downsides, it will always be the best place to find recipe inspiration. I can

Flourless Pumpkin Fudge Brownies (Paleo / Vegan)

It’s that time again… Pumpkin fever has taken over. I wanted to wait a bit longer to post a pumpkin

Paleo & Vegan Walnut “Cheese” Sauce

What’s the most common thing people say they can’t give up when going dairy-free? Cheese. It’s always cheese. Giving up

Peppermint Vanilla Coconut Smoothie Bowl (Paleo)

HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY, YOU LUCKY HUMAN! Are you wearing your green? I woke up this morning feeling like a

Pomegranate’s Gluten-Free, Vegan Sweet Treats

We all know I have a major sweet tooth. Alongside that sweet tooth is an intense appreciation for beautifully made

Paleo / Vegan Gingerbread Man Cookie Sandwiches

I am utterly inexplicably absolutely completely head-over-heels in love with these cookies. Can we just take a second to acknowledge

Fluffy Pumpkin Cookies with Spiced Maple Glaze (V, GF)

MORE PUMPKIN! Are you surprised? Usually at this time of year, I’m pumpin’ out chocolate recipes like no other. I

Paleo Chai Banana Pumpkin Bread

Is it even fall without a pumpkin recipe? NOOOOOPE. There’s been a can of pumpkin sitting on my baking shelf

Newest Addiction: FroFru at Frozen Fruit Co

Your life is about to change. It all started one night as I loopily walked out of my weekly massage