Tag: walnut

Paleo & Vegan Walnut “Cheese” Sauce

What’s the most common thing people say they can’t give up when going dairy-free? Cheese. It’s always cheese. Giving up

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Paleo Carrot Cake Pancakes with Cashew “Cream Cheese” Frosting

I’ve been keeping this recipe safe in my back pocket for awhile now, slyly waiting for the perfect time to

Cinnamon Spiced Roasted Nuts (Paleo/Vegan)

Happy Monday, lovely! My last post about graduating was a long one, so I thought I’d pop in with a

Expo West 2017 Recap, Part 1

As many of you know, Expo West was last weekend, and it was insane. Okay, that might have been a

Chunky Monkey Nice Cream Scone Sandwiches (GF / Vegan)

Almost exactly a year ago, I visited the magical land of New York City for the very first time. While