Tag: almond butter

Flourless Pumpkin Fudge Brownies (Paleo / Vegan)

It’s that time again… Pumpkin fever has taken over. I wanted to wait a bit longer to post a pumpkin

Keto Cinnamon Fudge Avocado Brownies (Paleo)

The thought of sharing this brownie recipe with you brings an evil grin to my face because they are so

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Sugar-Free Vanilla Coconut Collagen Cookies (Paleo w/ Vegan Option)

This week just happens to be Mind Body Green’s No Sugar Week, so I figured these incredibly delicious no-sugar cookies

Caffeine-Free Coffee Almond Banana Bread Muffins (Sugar-Free / Paleo / Low-FODMAP / SCD)

Since the moment these beauties first came out of the oven, I’ve been dying to share this recipe with you!

Flourless Chocolate Coconut Fudge Muffins (GF/Vegan)

  Two very important pieces of information to know about me: I’m obsessed with baking. I have a MAJOR sweet