Tag: doterra

Essential Oils to Bring on Travel

When my sister was on her honeymoon a few months ago, she asked me to write a blog post about

My Nontoxic Skincare Routine (Oily, Acne-Prone, Sensitive Skin)

A little background on my skin… I struggled with oily, acne-prone skin for most of my life, and my skin

My Most-Used Essential Oils

Essential oils have become a huge part of my daily routine in the last year, and I honestly cannot imagine

My 2017 Favorites

Another year is gone, which means I have another year of favorites to talk about! I discovered so many amazing

Everything You Need to Get Started with Essential Oils

If you’re reading this post, then I am VERY excited because it means that you’re passionate about finding a more

My Favorite Online Resources for Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle

When transitioning into a healthier lifestyle, slow and steady wins the race. It can be really overwhelming to find new

Sugar-Free Lemon Bar Smoothie (Paleo / Vegan / Keto)

Who doesn’t love a good lemon bar?! Well, truth is… Not always me. Let me be clear. I love all