Tag: fish

Paleo Grilled Halibut (Become a Member for Access)

Whenever I think of halibut, I immediately think of Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday. Is that just me? I

Paleo Trout Almondine (Become a Member for Access)

White fish has a reputation for being boring and bland, and sadly, it often is. After you make this recipe,

Insulin Index vs. Glycemic Index – Is Protein Spiking Your Blood Sugar? (Become a Member for Access)

In order to balance blood sugar, many people use the glycemic index to choose the type of carbohydrates to eat

Are Fish Oil Supplements Helping or Harming Your Health? (Become a Member for Access)

Fish oil supplements have gotten incredibly popular in the last few years as more people are recognizing the health benefits

“Clean Out the Fridge” Veggie Green Sauce (Paleo / Vegan)

I know not everyone feels this way, but I love my greens more than anything. My motto is, “The greener

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

My 2017 Health Protocol, Part 2

**This post was written in 2017 (I used to write posts about my health protocols as I went through them,

For the 100th Time… Fat Does NOT Make You Fat!

The fact that some people are still afraid of eating fat completely baffles me. Have you been on the Internet

My Cooking Routine

Recently I have gotten quite a few questions on both the blog and the podcast about how I find the

La Comida en Sevilla (Spain Part 2)

This took me a grossly long time to upload, but I couldn’t not. Who doesn’t love food pics?! Lobster with