Tag: lchf

Negative Hormonal Shifts for Women on Low-Carb Diets

I got this text message last week, and I wanted to share it because I receive messages like this very

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet has gained a ton of popularity in the last few years, but there are a lot of

Is There a Metabolic Advantage to a Low Carbohydrate Diet? (Become a Member for Access)

Is weight loss really just as simple as calories in versus calories out? This is one of the most controversial

Pickled Red Onions (Paleo / Vegan) (Become a Member for Access)

I feel like pickled red onions are the ultimate accessory to anyone’s #Instaworthy meal. I’ve been seeing them at more

The Second Meal Effect – How Lunch Affects Your Dinner… (Become a Member for Access)

The second meal effect is a concept that isn’t referenced much in the nutrition space, but it can be very

Paleo / Vegan Grilled Summer Vegetable Salad (Become a Member for Access)

Whenever it’s summer, I’m always in the mood to grill everything! I’m not sure why, but vegetables taste so much

Paleo Chimichurri Meatballs (Become a Member for Access)

There is nothing like a quality meatball. Am I right, or am I right? There are a few things that

Paleo Seared Ahi Tuna Nicoise Salad (Become a Member for Access)

At this time of year, I always crave salads, crunchy vegetables, and simple proteins to keep me satisfied! When it’s

Paleo French Onion Frittata (Become a Member for Access)

I don’t know about you, but I’m the kinda girl who looooves to brunch. I love to go out for

Why You Might Feel Addicted to Saturated Fat (Become a Member for Access)

High-fat, low-carb diets can be a great tool for eliminating food cravings and breaking food addiction, but for some people,