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Paleo / Vegan Sweet Plantain Mash (Become a Member for Access)

Since recently increasing my carb intake, I’ve been having a lot of fun trying out new types of paleo starches

Paleo “Cheesy” Potato Casserole (with Low-Carb and Vegan Options)

If you didn’t grow up eating cheesy potato casserole, I hate to tell you that you missed out… big time.

Zingy Cauliflower & Broccoli (Paleo / Vegan / Keto / Whole 30)

If I’m ever feeling uninspired in the kitchen, all I have to do is eat out. Well, I don’t even

Roasted Romaine (Paleo / Vegan / Whole 30)

This is quite possibly the easiest side dish of all time! I feel bad for romaine – it gets a

Jicama Churros (Paleo / Vegan / Whole 30)

Didn’t know you could make a vegetable taste like a churro? YOU CAN. This recipe is about to blow your

Lovely Roasted Cauliflower (Paleo / Vegan)

I always joke that I might turn into a cauliflower because I eat so much of it, but I actually

Paleo / Vegan Cauliflower Mac ‘N Cheese Bake

This is one of those recipes that isn’t very aesthetically pleasing, but then you take a bite and basically melt

Sugar-Free Lemon Bar Smoothie (Paleo / Vegan / Keto)

Who doesn’t love a good lemon bar?! Well, truth is… Not always me. Let me be clear. I love all

Cashew Pesto Sauce & Pesto Tomato Chicken Bake (Paleo)

I recently realized that I have thousands of photos hiding on my external hard drive that need to be organized

Paleo & Vegan Walnut “Cheese” Sauce

What’s the most common thing people say they can’t give up when going dairy-free? Cheese. It’s always cheese. Giving up