Tag: podcast

5 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast

Podcasts are a great way to get exposure to new audiences, but they can also be big money-makers, if you

Why Podcasts Are One of the Best Ways to Market Yourself

Whether or not you’ve ever considered using podcasts to market yourself and your biz, they have quickly become an attractive

The NTA Program and Why I Became a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

This post is a follow-up to my last blog all about what exactly a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is and what

Another Year Gone: 2017 Reflections and 2018 Plans

2017 was, by far, the fastest year of my life. It was also, by far, the best. My life has

Krista Williams Always Keeps it Hundred

I can’t stop smiling right now because the woman I’m featuring today is truly one of the most incredible humans

Gettin’ Balanced with Jordan Younger: The Balanced Blonde

Jordan Younger. Where do I even begin with this woman?! Blogger. Author. Clothing Designer. Yogi master. Podcaster. Recipe queen.

Food & Friends in San Diego

This is way overdue. Oops. I’m FINALLY getting around to looking at photos from my trip to San Diego last


GUYS. I am SO SO SO EXCITED. Like, I can’t stop smiling. I’ve been droppin’ hints recently that I’ve been