Tag: protein

Paleo Grilled Octopus Salad (Become a Member for Access)

When it comes to seafood, octopus doesn’t get enough love. I hadn’t even tried octopus until about a year ago

The Extremes of Protein Consumption: How Much Protein Should You Eat? (Become a Member for Access)

In general, I’m definitely a fan of “high” protein intake for most people. What “high protein” means is subjective, but

Low Stomach Acid? How to Find the Right Dose of HCL for Your Body (Become a Member for Access)

Having sufficient levels of stomach acid is key for healthy digestion. Without sufficient stomach acid, you might experience symptoms like

Always Hungry? Can’t Lose Weight? Hack Your Leptin! (Become a Member for Access)

When it comes to managing hunger and weight, leptin is one of the key hormones at play. You might have

5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Blood Sugar During the Holidays

The holiday season tends to be the time of year when people stray from their usual routines, indulge in extra

Insulin Index vs. Glycemic Index – Is Protein Spiking Your Blood Sugar? (Become a Member for Access)

In order to balance blood sugar, many people use the glycemic index to choose the type of carbohydrates to eat

What I Eat for Breakfast

Breakfast seems to be the meal that always makes people a little… stressed out. And confused. A lot of people

Proteolytic Enzymes for More than Digestion (Become a Member for Access)

When most people in the health space think of enzymes, they think of digestion. I’m a huge fan of digestive

My Experience on the Carnivore Diet

In my last post, I talked all about what the carnivore diet is as an introduction to this post, which

Paleo f(x) 2018 Recap

I’ve had a busy few weeks of travel this month, and I thought it was about time I sit down