Tag: salt

My Experience on a 72-Hour Water Fast

Earlier this week I did a 72-hour water fast, and it was the longest fast I’ve done thus far. Fasting

Hacks for Immediate Constipation Relief (Become a Member for Access)

12-19% of Americans struggle with constipation, and it’s a common trend with most of my clients. Constipation is a serious

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Cinnamon Spiced Roasted Nuts (Paleo/Vegan)

Happy Monday, lovely! My last post about graduating was a long one, so I thought I’d pop in with a

Don’t Fear the Salt

There’s a rumor running around that salt is bad for you. I hate rumors! So I think it’s time to

Ice Cream Lab

Today is apparently National Dessert Day, which means it’s basically a holiday created specifically for me. (Who even gets to