How I Overcame My Depression and Anxiety Disorder

How I Overcame My Depression and Anxiety Disorder

I never thought I would write a post like this. When I first started blogging, I was planning on writing many posts about how to deal with depression and anxiety, what it was like struggling with it, and how to continue on with life despite having it. I hoped to be a...
How to Poach an Egg in the Microwave

How to Poach an Egg in the Microwave

There is nothing quite like a perfectly poached egg. I’ll eat eggs pretty much any way they’re cooked, but poaching is by far my favorite. My heart skips a beat when that delicious yolk drips down over my vegetables — anyone else? As much as I love...
My Most-Used Essential Oils

My Most-Used Essential Oils

Essential oils have become a huge part of my daily routine in the last year, and I honestly cannot imagine my life without them. Before I really became interested in essential oils, I thought they were a little “woo-woo” and didn’t truly believe they...

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