Tag: sibo

Sara Bradley Heals from Disordered Eating, Body Dysmorphia, and SIBO

Sara Bradley Age: 23 Location: Western Massachusetts My story started all the way back in elementary school. I remember being

Theresa Piela Heals from Lyme, Mold, Parasites, and SIBO

Theresa Piela Age: 27 Location: Santa Rosa, California I stumbled across Christina’s work in a desperate attempt to keep my

How It Feels Being a Mystery Case with Invisible Illness

*Let the record state that I’m publishing this on October 23, 2019. If you are reading this further than a

18 Ways to Open Up Your Detox Pathways (Become a Member for Access)

  With almost every healing protocol, it’s crucial to make sure your detox pathways are open so that actual detoxification

Herxheimer Reactions and How to Get Through Detox Discomfort (Become a Member for Access)

What are Herxheimer, or die-off, reactions? If you’ve ever started a detoxification protocol or an antimicrobial protocol, you might be

What Your Poop Means About Your Health (Become a Member for Access)

You might not like to talk about it, but poop gives us a lot of important information about our health.

Natural Ways to Instantly Eliminate Bloating (Become a Member for Access)

Have you ever woken up on an important day and been frustrated to find that, for some reason, you are

How Biofilms Might Be Preventing You From Healing (Become a Member for Access)

  One of the most common reasons why protocols fail longterm is because they never properly addressed biofilms. If biofilms

How to Address Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO (Become a Member for Access)

There are three types of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) – hydrogen-dominant, methane-dominant, and hydrogen sulfide. SIBO can be somewhat

18 Common Mistakes Made on SIBO Protocols (Become a Member for Access)

SIBO, or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, can be one of the trickiest gut issues to eliminate, and unfortunately it also