Expanding & Contracting Time

As I’ve been sharing on the podcast quite a bit, time has been on my mind a LOT in the

How Do You Want to Be Supported?

Since channeling my book on love, my head has been spinning about relationships, divine love, and how we relate to

Physical Ascension Can Hurt.

I don’t think it’s a secret to anyone in my life that the last year has been an intense initiation

Channeling the Love Book

I’m right in the middle of channeling the second book in the Monarch Being series, and it has come with

Closing No BS Biz School – the End of an Era

Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you should do it. Closing No BS Biz School has been an

Transformation Energy – Pluto Conjunct Midheaven

I recently learned that I have Pluto conjunct midheaven – and I won’t pretend to understand all of what that

Channeling My Second Book // Scribing for Melchizedek

Channeling my second book was quite different than expected. I wanted to write during the whole thing, but my recent

Turning 27

Turning 27 genuinely felt different, and I can’t say that about all birthdays. As weird as it sounds, I feel