
Olivia Marie is passionate about healing and rewiring the nervous system to heal our trauma and live an abundant life. By bringing together the physical body with the emotional & energetics, it is full body healing. She focuses not only on how to get out of survival mode, but how to get into thrival mode.

She loves to help you live a life that feels delicious, not only in the food that you eat and in your body, but also with mindset, wealth & manifestation. And, has helped thousands of women not only heal from their symptoms, but create a life beyond their wildest dreams.

Today on Christina The Channel:

  • 1:08 – Liv’s thoughts on Joshua Tree & the time vortex energy
  • 11:53 – Liv’s past life as a Native American medicine woman & communicating with animals
  • 21:05 – Binaural beats & other ways you can ground your energy
  • 27:25 – Birth trauma & the impact it had on Christina & Liv
  • 40:43 – Liv’s experience with pregnancy loss & how the hardest times in your life can expand you
  • 55:20 – Tools Liv used to heal from her loss
  • 1:01 – Going through a second very rare pregnancy complication
  • 1:18:12 – How we are being pushed to sit with the energy of death & loss
  • 1:24:30 – What it means to get rid of the gel layer, so you can let people see you

This show is sponsored by:

  • Ned | You can order hemp oil from helloned.com/christina and use the discount code “CHRISTINA” for 15% off. Get a free De-stress Blend sample on any order over $40.
  • Organifi | Go to organifi.com/ctc and use the code CTC at checkout for 20% off.


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