
Can we pop some champagne bottles and make it rain (with confetti)?! We are so excited to have our very first podcast episode up! Relationships are one of our very favorite topics to discuss.  We’ve had our fair share of boyfriends in different time zones, boyfriends actin’ shady, and boyfriends who act like… boys.

A special thank you to everyone who submitted questions! We hope we gave you enough info to help you tackle your current and future relationship dilemmas.

One of the main questions discussed in this episode was whether to continue or end relationships pre and post college. Basically, we’re with Destiny’s Child on this one. All you independent women should NOT make your career plans around your SO. You’ve busted your ass to get that degree, and you owe it to yourself to follow YOUR dreams.

Next we tackle the issue of starting off college in a relationship. Are you missing out? Is it too stressful figuring out how to maintain your relationship while also adjusting to college life? How does your partner feel? These are all things to consider when bringing up the topic with your BF or GF. We give our best tips on addressing the elephant in the room so you’ll be able to handle it like a pro.

We also discuss what the dating scene is REALLY like in college – a.k.a hooking up. Special thanks to Tinder which helps the busy college student get some convenient action through the quick swipe of your finger. We don’t have Tinder, but maybe in another episode we’ll make one just for kicks.

We hope you enjoy our first episode, and we would love to hear back from you guys! In our next episode, we’ll be discussing body image, so tweet us (@actuallyadult) or email us (actuallyadultish@gmail.com) your comments/questions on body image or any other topic!

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