
In this episode, we’re interviewing Kate Van Horn, the blogger behind kaleinit.com, and Jess Baumgardner, the holistic health coach behind healthcoachphilly.com, to talk about all things WELLNESS. Kate gives us the scoop on blogging and tips for newbies, and Jess shares some of the most common things she helps women with in her practice. We discuss the role of social media in body image, diet, and exercise, how to get healthier in college, and how to find trustworthy sources for health information.

Jess and Kate also told us all about their membership program, The Society. A membership with the Society gives you access to a ton of amazing materials that teach you how to meal prep, give you lots of recipes, provide workouts, give information on health trends, guide you in self-care, and more. You also get access to the super secret Facebook group, which gives you 24/7 access to Kate and Jess’s expert advice and the support of the other members of the Society. To sign up, go to http://www.thegoodscty.com/join/.

They’re also putting together an EPIC wellness festival this April in Philadelphia that you need to go to. The day will include a yoga/pilates class, a guided meditation, a ton of amazingly inspiring speakers, a marketplace filled with lots of wellness goodies, and more. Tickets aren’t on sale yet, but they will be soon! For more information on the Good Festival, go to http://www.thegoodfest.com.

Want more of Jess and Kate? Visit Kate’s blog, kaleinit.com, for lots of yummy recipes and life advice, and follow her on Instagram (@she_be_kale_in_it) for more inspo. Visit Jess’s site, healthycoachphilly.com, to find out more about her practice and her wellness advice, and follow her on Instagram (@healthcoachphilly) too!

As always, if you have a question you want us to answer or topic you want us to discuss, you can submit it on our website (www.actuallyadultish.com). You can also tweet us (@actuallyadult) or email us at actuallyadultish@gmail.com. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/actuallyadultish) to keep up with updates!

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