Tag: healthy

Paleo / Sugar-Free Nanaimo Bars

Awhile back, a reader asked me if I could make a sugar-free version of Nanaimo bars, and she sent me

Did the Carnivore Diet Get Rid of My Food Intolerances?

When I first became interested in the carnivore diet over a year ago, the healing stories really amazed me. People

2020 Intentions & Changes I’m Making This Year

Now that we’re over a week into 2020, I can confirm that the huge energetic shifts I felt coming at

Are You Following Health Advice Meant for Someone Else?

One of the most common mistakes people make again and again, and one that I have made myself, is taking

Saying Goodbye to 2019

Over the last few years, I developed the tradition of staying up way too late the night of New Year’s

Paleo Purple Sweet Potato Pie

This is the second pie recipe I’m posting in 2 days. Is that too much? Ehhhh, I don’t think so.

Paleo / Vegan Acorn Squash Puree (Become a Member for Access)

With Thanksgiving this week, my head is brimming with all things pumpkin, squash, food…pumpkin, squash, food… you get the idea.

How Coffee Affects Your Weight (Become a Member for Access)

Ohhhh, coffee. Always the controversial subject. Some people can’t live without it, and others avoid it at all costs. There

Upper Body + Abs Bodyweight Workout 5 (Become a Member for Access)

This workout is perfect for targeting your upper body and abs if you don’t have any equipment – all you

Paleo Stuffed Turkey Breast (Become a Member for Access)

With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching (how does it always get here so quickly?!), I think turkey is on everyone’s minds, but