Tag: shopping

5 Simple Ways to Embrace Your Feminine Energy

We all have both masculine and feminine energies within us, but many people get “stuck” in their masculine energy due

Holiday Gift Guide for Her, 2018

I can’t believe it’s already that time of year again – HOLIDAY SHOPPING! There’s nothing quite as satisfying as giving

Holiday Gift Guide for Him, 2017

Part 2 of my 2017 holiday gift guide series is finally here, and this one is definitely the most difficult

My Pantry Staples

I’ve been planning on writing a post about my pantry staples for awhile now, and I thought it would be

Caffeine-Free Coffee Almond Banana Bread Muffins (Sugar-Free / Paleo / Low-FODMAP / SCD)

Since the moment these beauties first came out of the oven, I’ve been dying to share this recipe with you!

Are There Toxins in Your Tea? Why You Need Organic Tea

As almost everyone knows, I am very obsessed with tea. My tea collection is a little out of control and

My 2016 Favorites

It’s already a week into 2017…how do you feel about it? It’s still weird to me. I don’t like writing

Holiday Gift Guide for EVERYONE, 2016

I’ve got one more holiday gift guide for you, because I’m excessive like that. If you haven’t seen my holiday

Holiday Gift Guide for HER, 2016

I know I’m kinda late on this, but if you’re anything like me, you haven’t done your Christmas shopping yet.

Eating Healthy on a College Budget

MONEY PROBS. We all have ’em. The majority of the college-aged population is on a tight budget, and that can