Caffeine-Free Dirty Coconut Chai Latte

Caffeine-Free Dirty Coconut Chai Latte

This is my last recipe of 2017, and I want to leave you with a cozy one! After a Thanksgiving and early December filled with 85 degree weather, it is FINALLY getting chilly here in Los Angeles. I expected to come back from the Bay Area after Christmas and pull out my...
Another Year Gone: 2017 Reflections and 2018 Plans

Another Year Gone: 2017 Reflections and 2018 Plans

2017 was, by far, the fastest year of my life. It was also, by far, the best. My life has changed a lot over the past year, and most of it was for the better. My friend Dana showed me a video of myself from earlier this year, and I could not believe it was from 2017....
Vegan / Paleo Yuletide Nog

Vegan / Paleo Yuletide Nog

Can you tell I’m kind of addicted to eggnog? It’s SO GOOD. I promise, though, this is the last eggnog-related recipe. For this year, at least! I’ve already posted a recipe for a Classic Paleo Eggnog and an Eggnog Spice Cake, but I didn’t want...
Paleo Eggnog Spice Cake

Paleo Eggnog Spice Cake

Growing up, I really hated eggnog. Every year my uncle would try to convince me to drink it, and I’d turn up my nose. I’d always try a sip, though, hoping I would like it. Eggnog is so Christmassy, and I wanted to join in on the Christmas fun. I liked the...

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