
In this episode, we discuss an important subject – eating disorders. We want to start off with a warning that this episode might be triggering. If you think that you might be triggered by a discussion about EDs, then we suggest you skip this episode and join us again next week. Our friend Kate from kaleinit.com joins us in this episode, and Kate and Christina share about their battles with eating disorders. We discuss recovery, stereotypes around eating disorders, and how to deal with triggers. We also talk about why we think eating disorders are so prevalent, how people treated us during our struggles, and what to do if you think you or someone you know has an eating disorder.

If you need someone to talk to, visit mentorconnect.com to be connected to a mentor who can help you if you are new to recovery.

Follow Kate on Instagram (@she_be_kale_in_it) and check out her blog, kaleinit.com, to get to know her better! You can also find her at the Good Fest in April, as well as in the members-only FB group that you get to join when you sign up to be a member of the Good Society!

As always, if you have a question you want us to answer or topic you want us to discuss, you can submit it on our website (www.actuallyadultish.com). You can also tweet us (@actuallyadult) or email us at actuallyadultish@gmail.com. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/actuallyadultish) to keep up with updates! You should also definitely check out Christina’s blog, addictedtolovely.com.

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