Tag: intuition

7 Traits to Embody to Manifest What You Want

Are you doing all of the journaling, meditating, and visualizations, but you’re still feeling stuck and unable to manifest what

3 Tips for Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

  We all have spirit guides – interdimensional beings, galactic beings, loved ones who have passed away, or Ascended Masters

11 Common Manifestation Mistakes to Avoid

Are you dedicated to your daily manifestation practice but still struggling to call in the things you want? Manifestation can

Why Brain Rewiring Beats New Year’s Resolutions

Can you believe 2021 is almost here?! In just a few days, we’ll be entering into New Year’s Resolution season

5 Intuitive Blocks That Could Be Keeping You From Opening Up

Did you know that EVERYONE – yes, even you! – is intuitive? (If you don’t believe me, check out my

3 Common Ways Your Spirit Guides are Talking to You

Whether you’ve talked to yours yet or not…we all have spirit guides! Spirit guides are beings that act as guides

3 Simple Manifestation Practices

Have you been wanting to get into all things manifestation, but have no idea where to even start? Don’t worry

What Are the Akashic Records?

If you’ve never heard of the Akashic Records, you’re not alone – many people don’t know about (or, at least

Understanding the Seven Chakras

Chakras were first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient Hindu texts, and since then it has been recognized in many different

What Your Aura Color Means

Working with color is a big part of my Reiki practice, especially when it comes to auras. Every Reiki session