Tag: meditation

3 Simple Steps for Clearing Low-Frequency Energy

If there’s one thing I always emphasize to my clients, it’s the importance of having strong energetic protection and boundaries

3 Tips for Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

  We all have spirit guides – interdimensional beings, galactic beings, loved ones who have passed away, or Ascended Masters

3 Simple & Powerful Daily Water Rituals

If you didn’t already know, the adult human body is made up of roughly 60% water – That’s a LOT

My Favorite 3 Crystals for Enhancing Self-Love

A common theme I see with my clients is tending to put others’ needs before their own. You’ve probably heard

How to Move Through Anxiety (Instead of Just Coping With It)

  With how society and the social media landscape are these days, it’s not uncommon to face anxiety at some

Why Brain Rewiring Beats New Year’s Resolutions

Can you believe 2021 is almost here?! In just a few days, we’ll be entering into New Year’s Resolution season

5 Intuitive Blocks That Could Be Keeping You From Opening Up

Did you know that EVERYONE – yes, even you! – is intuitive? (If you don’t believe me, check out my

Understanding the Vagus Nerve and How to Improve Vagal Tone (Become a Member for Access)

The vagus nerve is one of my favorite topics to discuss, because understanding the vagus nerve allows us to better

How I Overcame My Depression and Anxiety Disorder

I never thought I would write a post like this. When I first started blogging, I was planning on writing

My Fitness Journey, Part 2

WELCOME WELCOME to Part 2 of the story of my fitness journey! This is where it gets interesting. If you